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Christmas In Cambridge


I know this is a blog from someone who sells After the Event Legal Insurance and so what on earth am I talking about Cambridge for, but the fact is, I live here and so I thought it might be interesting to tell you about it.

We moved from London to Cambridge 8 years ago in order to give our 3 children a more relaxed upbringing than they would have received if we had stayed put. In Cambridge, we are just 1 mile from their schools and, from a fairly early age, they cycled there and back. This has given them an enormous amount of independence. We are also about a mile from the centre of Cambridge and can walk there or cycle in 5 minutes.

Walking around central Cambridge, particularly Kings Parade, is like being in a film set. There is so much history here and the fantastic architecture and traditions make it a lovely place to live.

At Christmas, the city becomes even more magical. The stunning architecture and cobblestone streets, take on a special aspect during the Christmas season. The iconic colleges, such as King's College and Trinity College, become even more captivating when bathed in Christmas lights.

One of the highlights of Christmas in Cambridge is almost certainly the bustling Christmas markets that pop up throughout the city. The Market Square, in the heart of Cambridge, transforms into a festive hub featuring stalls selling handmade crafts, local delicacies, and unique gifts. The aroma of mulled wine and seasonal treats wafts through the air, inviting visitors to indulge.

While punting along the River Cam is a popular activity throughout the year, it takes on a special charm during the Christmas season. The riverbanks are adorned with festive lights, creating a magical experience as you glide along the water. Many punt operators operate into the evenings and offer special Christmas-themed punting experiences, complete with blankets and hot beverages to keep you warm.

Cambridge is renowned for its choral tradition, and Christmas brings a wealth of musical performances for everyone to enjoy. The King's College Chapel Choir's Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, broadcast to millions worldwide, is a highlight, as are numerous other concerts and recitals held in the city's historic venues. These events offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Cambridge while celebrating the joy of the season.

It does get busy though and so if you are visiting and want to eat in a good restaurant, I would recommend you book well in advance. It is a lovely place, and although Cambridge can’t offer the variety that a large city like London can, it is charming and well worth coming for a long weekend.

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